Gran Tierra Energy’s operating philosophy, Beyond Compliance, influences the decisions we make regarding how we meet our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility. Beyond Compliance means that whenever possible
Gran Tierra voluntarily goes beyond what is legally required to care for the environment and undertake respectful engagement with local communities.
Going Beyond Compliance for the Environment
NaturAmazonas: A Reforestation Model for the Future
NaturAmazonas, the flagship conservation program started by GTE and Conservation International, has grown into an alliance of public and private institutions working together to address the root causes of deforestation. It works to develop solutions for reversing the process, while increasing the well-being of nearby communities. NaturAmazonas is expected to capture and sequester approximately 8.7 million tonnes of CO2 over the life of the project, equivalent to 22 years of GTE’s Scope 1 and 2 emissions from 2022.
GTE’s program has grown into a joint effort between the Colombian Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development, regional environmental agency, Corpoamazonia, and NGO Conservation International which oversees the project. The overall objective is to create the conditions required to protect and conserve Colombia’s Amazonia region by planting millions of trees and restoring important forested lands. This helps residents live and work in greater harmony with the forest and fosters partnerships amongst the institutions needed to effect long-term change at scale.
In its first six years, this USD $13 million initiative has reforested and ecologically restored over 1,400 hectares of land and has attracted additional partners interested in moving this revolutionary program forward. In 2023, Gran Tierra will extend the NaturAmazonas program another four years and continue its industry-leading reforestation efforts which will be implemented by Conservation International.
The NaturAmazonas project addresses the root causes of deforestation and strengthens the mechanisms needed for sustainable reforestation and large-scale conservation. These include:
- Bringing numerous public and private institutions under an established framework to collaborate and increase their combined impact.
- Increasing knowledge of, and respect for, the value of forested areas.
- Implementing mechanisms for people and communities that reside in the area to make a sustainable living in harmony with nature.
As NaturAmazonas continues to mature, the program has begun to serve as an increasingly effective environmental offset, contributing to global climate objectives and supporting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
For more information please click here.
Costayaco Forestry Centre: A Reforestation Hub and a Plant and Animal Sanctuary
The Costayaco Forestry Centre (CFC) is one of the most innovative reforestation efforts in South America that now covers more than 314 hectares near the Company’s production facilities in Putumayo. Established in 2010 in coordination with regional environmental regulator Corpoamazonia, the facility has grown into a significant habitat for butterflies, birds, large felines and other wildlife.
The Centre is strategically located in an important environmental corridor connecting the Andean foothills and Amazonian forest ecosystems, serving as a focal point for the Company’s compensatory requirements as well as many of its voluntary environmental activities. After ten years, the Company is very close to achieving its long-term goal of connecting the corridor to the foothills. The Centre, which was recently officially designated as a protected habitat and has been replicated around the country, also serves as a hub for nearby communities, hosting educational sessions, presentations and briefings.
- Over 190,000 trees have been planted across Putumayo and Cauca Departments.
- Over 63,000 trees have been donated to local communities and educational centres to date.
- Since 2016, over 2,000 people visited the Costayaco Forestry Centre to learn about the importance of protecting the environment and the reforestation efforts the Company is undertaking in the area.
For more information please click here.
“Since the Costayaco Forestry Centre opened we have witnessed the increase in animal activity and improvement in water quality firsthand.”
WILSON JIMENEZ, Neighbouring Community Member and Costayaco Forestry Centre Worker
Rigorous Planning to Protect the Environment
Gran Tierra performs rigorous environmental impact assessments of its proposed projects.
An important part of GTE’s approach is being transparent about environmental practices, inviting communities to witness its activities and dispelling myths. The goal is to show communities what the company is doing, rather than just talking about it.
If you are interested in visiting us please contact us at: [email protected].
For more information please click here.
Protecting Colombia and Ecuador’s Water
Gran Tierra believes that the protection of freshwater is an essential part of responsible oil and gas exploration and production. The Company is committed to ensure that its operations do not have an impact on groundwater and aquifers. Independent monitoring and testing have confirmed that Gran Tierra has fully safeguarded groundwater quality throughout its history of drilling operations.
In Colombia and Ecuador, GTE will fund additional independent studies of the water if local communities want to hire their own laboratory (as long as it is certified by Colombian and Ecuadorian regulators). GTE will take its own samples and compare them with the communities’ samples, sharing the results at a community meeting.
If you have any questions about Gran Tierra’s operations near your community, please contact us at: [email protected] or [email protected].
For more information please click here.
Going Beyond Compliance for Local Communities
Expanding a Centre for Education in San Martín
The Centro de Formación Santiago Navarro had stood abandoned for years until GTE added an extension to it in 2021. The compound features six classrooms that will be used by universities and independent educators to host programs. The facility also features a building to hold events, meetings, and other community gatherings.
JESSICA BAUTISTA, Transparency Committee Secretary, La Milagreña
“When GTE arrived they helped us understand what their plans were and how we could work together. The transparency committee is an effective tool to work through issues and has helped reach agreements with the community.”
Works for Taxes: Accelerating Local Infrastructure Investment
Since 2020, over COP $10 billion has been invested through the Works for Taxes program in four locally planned projects that aim to improve mobility, education and housing. This tax program is structured for companies to use their tax contributions to develop and implement projects that improve livelihoods, supports economic development and contribute to the stabilization of the territories. It has become a pivotal mechanism for supporting rural development, especially in territories impacted by the country’s historical conflict and poverty.
ROLANDO GUERRA, President, La Banca JAC
“In my experience as a leader, GTE has been an incredible company with respectful professionals that are committed to the community. The way the Company reacts during the difficult moments has actually built trust and confidence between the community and Company.”
Gran Tierra en Mi Comunidad
GTE regularly hosts a variety of community-based activities to strengthen ties with communities, leaders, and institutions in the areas where Gran Tierra operates. The events cover a wide variety of topics, including operational, educational and cultural.
One of the most effective engagement programs in Colombia is “GTE en Mi Comunidad” (GTE in My Community), in which more than 15,000 people from four departments: Putumayo, Cauca, Santander, and Cesar, participated in 2022. Dozens of cultural and community-building events are hosted for people of all ages through the program throughout the year.
Cinema in My Community
GTE sponsors movie days to bring films to these regions that are traditionally passed over by the global film industry. These events create spaces for interaction and recreation, building additional bonds of trust with the community.
CARLOS COBOS, Culture Coordinator, San Martín
“These activities get the whole community involved and help us all connect with ourselves and each other again.”
Emprender+, GTE’s signature entrepreneurship-based social investment, is a critical component of GTE’s efforts to address local economic challenges to lift people out of poverty. For the last several years, the program has created opportunities for people to strengthen their businesses and launch new companies while bolstering local economies in Colombia’s Middle Magdalena Valley and Putumayo regions.
Emprender+ provides technical training, business management guidance, and seed capital along with recognition for innovative business ideas and execution. The program, carried out in partnership with the World Corporation for Women in Colombia (CMMC), also helps entrepreneurs navigate the technical, administrative and management challenges of operating a small business. The popularity of the program has grown steadily and rapidly from 30 to over 300 participating entrepreneurs since its inception, and over 1,500 people registered to participate since the program started in 2021.
For more information on Emprender+ visit the program’s website here.
Encouraging and Enabling Local Suppliers
Gran Tierra is committed to ensure that economic benefits flow from our operations to local businesses and communities. GTE’s Fair Bidding Process and other procurement procedures are designed to maximize opportunities for local and regional communities.
GTE’s commitment to local businesses:
- Execute all contracting processes based on both national laws and international standards.
- Share the same information with all potential bidders, including strong tender documents and clear and fair rules about the proposal process.
- Inform each vendor about the results of the bidding process, and bidders can request additional information to help them understand what they need to do to improve their chances in the future.
For more information please click here.