Page 37 - 2019 Sustainability Report
P. 37

  Experiencing the consequences
of mistakes in virtual reality is memorable and results in a safer approach to personal safety at work.
Douglas Romera,
Monthly Safety Contractor Meetings
Monthly safety contractor meetings are attended by senior-level operations and HSE staff of each contractor. During these meetings, the previous month’s performance and safety efforts are discussed.
To ensure a strong finish to the year, GTE made December a Safety Month, hosting a number of activities, including a breakfast for spouses of workers to discuss safety culture at home.
 HSE Training Champion, Gran Tierra Energy
 GTE’s safety performance was due in part to the company’s intensive response to a tragic accident at a workover rig site that resulted in the passing of an employee of one of the company’s contractors.
While GTE, the contractor company, and colleagues were shocked and saddened, an immediate investigation was launched to understand the root causes of the incident and to determine what could be done to prevent this from occurring again.
The company renewed its focus on safety precautions and took a number of actions, including the design and implementation of the GPS room, an in-depth review of all workover procedures and a renewed focus on strengthening the culture of safety across the company.

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